Support Ratings for Banks

CI's support ratings assess the likelihood that, in the event of difficulties, a bank would receive sufficient financial assistance from the government or private owners to enable it to continue meeting its financial obligations in a timely manner. Support ratings complement CI's financial strength ratings which, in effect, indicate the likelihood that a bank will fail due to inherent financial weaknesses and/or an unstable operating environment and therefore may require external support to avoid defaulting on its obligations. Neither financial strength ratings or support ratings take account of transfer and convertibility risks associated with sovereign events. The overall creditworthiness of an institution and default risk is captured by CI's foreign currency ratings. Foreign currency ratings take into account all factors affecting the likelihood of repayment including inherent financial strength, external support, the operating environment, and sovereign-related risks.

Although subjective, support ratings are based on a thorough assessment of a bank's ownership, market position and importance within the sector and economy, as well as the country's regulatory and supervisory framework and the credit standing of potential supporters.

The following rating scale applies to support ratings.

1 The likelihood of a bank receiving support in the event of difficulties is extremely high. The characteristics of a bank with this support rating may include strong government ownership and/or clear legal guarantees on the part of the state. The bank may also be of such importance to the national economy that state intervention is virtually assured. The ability and willingness of potential supporters to provide sufficient and timely support is extremely strong.
2 The likelihood of support is very high. The ability and willingness of potential supporters to provide sufficient and timely support is very strong.
3 The likelihood of support is high. The ability and willingness of potential supporters to provide sufficient and timely support is strong.
4 The likelihood of support is moderate. There is some uncertainty about the ability and willingness of potential supporters to provide sufficient and timely assistance.
5 The likelihood of support is low. There is considerable uncertainty about the ability and willingness of potential supporters to provide sufficient and timely assistance.