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Credit Rating Reports

Bank Rating Reports

Annual in-depth qualitative and quantitative studies of specific financial institutions. Qualitative aspects include ownership and support, the market environment, and operational and business development strategies. This information provides context for CI's in-depth financial analysis, which focuses on asset quality, liquidity, capital adequacy and profitability. Bank rating reports include an institution's credit ratings and outlook, as well as spreadsheets and financial ratios covering the most recent four years' operating results. Bank rating reports include an appraisal of its positive and negative factors and an overall assessment of its financial performance and prospects.

Corporate Rating Reports

An in-depth study of a corporate's financial and non-financial profile. Financial analysis covers factors such as cash flow, debt profile, leverage, and earnings. Non-financial aspects include operations, management, strategies and prospects as well as industry dynamics.

Bond other Debt and Sukuk (Islamic bond) Rating Reports

A detailed credit assessment of a specific issue/instrument and a study of the financial and non-financial profile of the issuer. [Sukuk is an Islamic financial instrument whereby the issuer obligates itself to make contractual payments (in the form of income, mark-up or rent) to investors in addition to the principal sum invested].

Insurance Rating Reports

The Insurer Financial Strength Rating (IFSR) provides a forward-looking opinion of an insurer's capacity and willingness to pay its valid insurance contract obligations when they become due. An IFSR is not specific for any particular policy or product, nor does it address non-policy obligations. IFSRs take into account the standalone assessment of an insurer, as well as the likelihood that the entity would receive external support in the event of financial difficulties.

Sovereign Rating Reports

An assessment of a government's ability and willingness to fulfil its local and foreign currency obligations in a timely manner. Central to this assessment is an analysis of the main determinants of public debt dynamics (e.g. economic growth, fiscal stance), the country's capacity for generating foreign exchange from domestic factors of production, its ability to attract the means for debt servicing from external sources, and the soundness of fiscal, monetary and exchange rate management.

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